Access Your Guidance

Learn how to use your intuition for direction, healing, and growth.

Have you experienced intuition, but wish it was stronger? Are you distracted by mind chatter, overwhelmed by emotions, invalidated by fear, or troubled by self-doubt? Or do you struggle with being too sensitive? Whether you want to master your gift or get it under control, Dr. Lesley's School of Intuition can help you. Dr. Lesley has been teaching psychic development for 25 years and has developed courses to help you overcome intuition blocks, and develop your gifts so you can fulfil your purpose.

Steps to Intuition Mastery

  • Step 1 - Transcend and Eliminate Intuition Blocks

    Take the Unlock Your Intuition Course to overcome 7 common intuition blocks, find out how your 7 chakras relate to your psychic abilities, and take 7 key steps to develop intuition. The Practical Meditation Course helps you establish a meditation practice.

  • Step 2 - Learn Psychic Tools and Techniques

    Schedule your Psychic Blueprint to discover your intuition profile, life challenges, and how they relate to your purpose. Then develop your ability to psychically see, feel, know, and hear in the Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, and Clairaudience Programs.

  • Step 3 - Apply Your Gifts to Your Life Purpose

    Master your gifts when you complete Medical Intuition Training. Take Trance Mediumship to channel divine wisdom. Or Manifestation Training Course to create the life you want. Amplify your energy and psychic gifts with Kundalini Levels 1 - 3
