Course Description

Lesley Phillips

Course Creator

Dr. Lesley Phillips loves to help people access their intuition. She can help you transcend your limits and let go of what blocks you from your purpose. She has provided guidance to thousands, having offered intuitive sessions since 1996 and classes in meditation and intuition development since 2003. Dr. Lesley is the author of several books. She is a certified spiritual counselor and meditation teacher; and also has a B.Sc.and Ph.D. in biology,

Course curriculum

    1. Copyright Notice - Mandatory Reading

    2. Orientation call request channeling course

    1. Module 10 Course Content and Homework

    2. Mediumship Intro

    3. Get in Present Time with Mediumship

    4. Dealing with Your Pictures

    5. Unresolved Grief and Unfinished Business

    6. Mediumship and Guides

    7. Certainty, Accuracy and Clarity

    8. Psychometry and Mediumship

    9. Psychometry and Mediumship Exercises

    10. Connecting With Deceased Persons

    11. Death Dying and Mediumship

    12. Platform Work, Scanning a Room

    13. Mediumship Symbol Library Exercise (Optional)

    14. Own Your Space (What Not to Do)

    15. Evidential Mediumship

    16. Mediumship Evidence Tools (Optional)

    17. Rescue Mediumship and Stuck Aspects

    1. Seven Heavens - From Between Life Akashic Adventure Workshop

    1. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Group 1a Practice Session 1

    2. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Group 1b Practice Session 1

    3. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Group 1a Practice Session 2

    4. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Group 1b Practice Session 2

    5. Channeling Module 10 Session 3 Group 1a Part 1

    6. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Session 3 Group 1a Part 1

    7. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Session 3 Group 1a Part 2

    8. Channeling Module 10 Mediumship Session 3 Group 1b

    1. Module 11 Course Content and Introduction

    2. Channeling Module 11 Introduction

    3. Clearing Your Genetic Tapes

    4. Russiann Dolls

    5. Ancestor Circle

    6. Ancestral Gifts and Patterns

    7. Channeling Deceased Famous People

    8. Channeling Gods Goddesses and Archetypes

    9. Past Life Wisdom

    10. Bindu, Causal Chakras and Past lives

    11. Navigating Your Multi-Dimensional Self

    12. Guardian Spirits and Wisdom Keepers

    13. Channeling Past Life Guides

    14. Humanities Akashic Record

    1. Channeling Group 1a Module 11 Q&A1

    2. Channeling Group 1b Module 11 Q&A1

    3. Channeling Group 1 M12 Session 2

About this course

  • $1,445.00
  • 70 lessons
  • 46 hours of video content