K-Plan B (UYI and Kundalini 1, 2, 3)
K-Plan A (Kundalini 1, 2, and 3)
BundleKundalini courses 1, 2, and 3 to assure safe kundalini activation and support your kundalini awakening journey from beginner to advanced.
Channeling - Trimester #3
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Channeling the Infinite Self for World Service. Learn how to channel your guides and soul's wisdom to help humanity evolve and birth a new reality together.
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)A transformational psychic training program. Unlock the power of your intuition, overcome your challenges, and access your inner guidance system to guide your life.
CourseOvercome the challenges of being an empath. Listen to your body's messages, be in charge of your feelings, safe from the emotional energy of others, and clear about your needs.
CourseDevelop this psychic sense. See energy, auras, pictures, symbols, and guides. View the past (past lives), present (remote viewing), future (premonitions), and clear your blocks.